During this whole year, I have been reading the Bible in a different way. I got the idea here

The long and the short of it is this.

1. Choose a book of the Bible.
2. Read it in its entirety.
3. Repeat #2 twenty times.
4. Repeat this process for all 66 books of the Bible.

Simple, huh? I recommend it.

They suggest starting with the shorter books and I have. I have read 2nd and Third John, Titus, Philemon, Ephesians, Jude, and in the last few weeks I have switched over to the Old Testament and today I read Obadiah for the twentieth time.

It is quite interesting the new things you learn as you read it this many times. Generally speaking during the twenty times, I read it in different versions, I read it with the greek, I read it outloud and I compile a Friday Everything with it. Today, I read it out loud to my five year old daughter, explaining it as I went along.

And I always take notes on how I can apply what I read to my life. Here is what I have gotten from the latest book –

Take away for Jamsco: Obadiah

1. Sin causing pride will bring you down.
2. Don’t think, when things are going very well, that you can’t lose big quickly.
3. Men doing sinful acts can be God’s agents to work his will.
4. Help others when they are experiencing calamity. Do not aid in the calamity.
5. Anyone who is sinning should expect punishment at any moment. Repent.
6. God’s people will be the eventual winners.
7. God’s blessing is very important, strong and good.